Friday, October 15, 2010

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning is a very important part of any company or business. It is the way a brand is going to place itself among all the other competitors in its market. By distinguishing one brand differently from another one, they can create a more top-of-mind reaction among consumers. There are very many examples of this throughout advertising and business, from Subway to Wendie's, and Apple to PC. 
A branding strategy can be one of the best tools a company can forge for itself; creating a niche for it's name or product/service while building a stable reputation at the same time. Quoted by, they explain the branding process to be constructed of five key steps: the target audience, their needs, frame of reference, point of difference, and reasons to believe. These key steps and understanding their fundamentals of how they work together is one of the best assets in creating a brand's position.
This all makes sense if you actually think about it - understanding your key target audience and exactly what they need and want with your brand, creating a reference point to where consumers can relate to your brand, then creating a understandable difference between you and your competitor while giving the consumer the proof they need to believe that your benefits are legit. These are what make the basis of any and almost all brands and their success.
Subway was the fresher, healthier choice.

Apple was the computer for anyone and everyone.

Dove was the better-for-your-skin, more natural approach to being clean.

These are things that distinguish brands away from other ones, creating a difference between you and all the other you's that are out there in the market.

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